root@master:/usr/local/hbase-0.90.4/bin# ./start-hbase.shstarting master, logging to /usr/local/hbase-0.90.4/bin/../logs/hbase-root-master-master.outslave1: +======================================================================+slave1: | Error: JAVA_HOME is not set and Java could not be found |slave1: +----------------------------------------------------------------------+slave1: | Please download the latest Sun JDK from the Sun Java web site |slave1: | > http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/ < |slave1: | |slave1: | HBase requires Java 1.6 or later. |slave1: | NOTE: This script will find Sun Java whether you install using the |slave1: | binary or the RPM based installer. |slave1: +======================================================================+slave2: +======================================================================+slave2: | Error: JAVA_HOME is not set and Java could not be found |slave2: +----------------------------------------------------------------------+slave2: | Please download the latest Sun JDK from the Sun Java web site |slave2: | > http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/ < |slave2: | |slave2: | HBase requires Java 1.6 or later. |slave2: | NOTE: This script will find Sun Java whether you install using the |slave2: | binary or the RPM based installer. |slave2: +======================================================================+